OOC Preferences


> Long form Roleplay. I enjoy the dynamics of characters. How their relationships evolve over time and how you can see your own character changing throughout them. Spur of the moment RP can be rewarding, and gratifying for a time, but I am always inclined to enjoy longer lasting story arcs that encourage character development on both sides for far longer, and with much more enthusiasm.

> Paragraph RP. I write a lot. At times to a fault! I love nuanced detail, got a poetic metaphor? A beautifully articulate simile? I'd love to hear it, and I will probably steal it. I can shorten myself as well; but I enjoy feeling as though the person on the other end of the RP is putting in a similar amount of effort in crafting their character and bringing them to life as I am.

> Smaller Groups. Do not get me wrong, I am all for a large event if it is DM'd well and the story is engaging! But typically I prefer my RP to be concentrated upon individual characters, again, nuance, detail, things that are typically forgone in larger groups or events. Five characters is perhaps close to my upper limit for this kind of thing, but depends entirely upon who is involved!

> Mature Themes (18+). This speaks for itself. I find that character development tends to require the inclusion of adult content, whether this be relationships, sexual or otherwise, violence, or even just petty criminal activity. I don't dance around these subjects, and they tend to leave the largest impacts upon my characters. Again, I do my best to write in detailed verses, so please be warned things may become quite intense at times.

> OOC Activity. I'd prefer to be friends with someone I RP with. Especially if their character becomes a part of mine or we are engaged in a longer story arc! It's easier, more fun, and truthfully, I'm very chilled out when it comes to rescheduling or general chit chat, plus, who doesn't like discussing where the story is going? This isn't make or break for me. Don't want to be friends? Absolutely fine. But I tend to put my best foot forward to make an attempt at building bridges!

( Made with Carrd )